Are you itchin’ for the next TAS field trip? Join us as we seek out spring migrants and other treasures at Martin Creek Lake State Park this Saturday, March 29th! We will meet up at 8:00 AM in the office parking area. Entrance fee is $4, or free with a state park pass. Our leader will be the park’s assistant superintendent, Boyd Sanders. Some of you know Boyd from Tyler State Park, where he was the interpretive ranger before his recent promotion. Field trip attendees are in for a real treat, as Boyd is a superlative bird guide and natural history interpreter.
The park is nestled on the hilly shores of a small reservoir used to cool a power plant. Trails meander through classic pineywoods forests consisting of loblolly and shortleaf pine, sweetgum, river birch, elm, and a variety of oaks and other hardwoods. There is a sizeable island accessed by footbridge that is really fun to explore! It features a nice mix of habitats, including meadows, thickets, swamps, and woodlands. Perhaps there will be early spring wildflowers to examine!
Let’s go welcome the migrants and soak in some springtime beauty!
Martin Creek Lake State Park
March 29, 8:00am